International Client Referrals
With thousands of verified Propertyshelf listings at your fingertips, you will have the information you need to help people find the products they are looking for—all while earning money doing what you do best: being friendly, knowledgeable, and professional.
When Real Estate Professionals list their “for sale” and “for rent” products on our platform, these listings are shared with lead generators who gain access to the details of the listings not otherwise available to the public. With these details, you can refer clients and acquaintances to the listing agents whose listings match their needs.
How it Works
As a referral/lead generator with Propertyshelf, you gain access to thousands of qualified real estate listings throughout Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Nicaragua embedded directly into your website.
Register as a Lead generator here
As a referral/lead generator with Propertyshelf, you gain access to thousands of qualified real estate listings throughout Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Nicaragua embedded directly into your website.
After you have received your user name and password, log into the system you will be free to browse through all the listings on the Propertyshelf platform with client management and advanced search options our Broker Agencies enjoy. Using the MLS search, you can isolate the listings that meet your client’s price range, location, size, view type specifications, and more.
Once you have located properties that you believe are suitable to your client’s needs, you will be able to print and email these listings in English or Spanish. These listings will include YOUR personal contact information. This way you can be assured that your clients will always have you as their primary point of contact. With our standardized referral contracts and procedural controls, you can negotiate referral fees like a professional, while protecting both your own and your client’s interest.
If your client decides they are interested, you can send a standardized email to the listing agent on the MLS that is operating in your client´s area of interest, expressing that you have found a potential buyer/tenant for a given property. In this email, you will propose a referral fee, which, if accepted, you will be entitled to receive if your client decides to buy/rent the property. The listing agent will receive your email, as well as the standardized referral agreement. If they choose to accept this fee, they will sign the referral agreement and email it back to you. If they do not accept your proposed referral fee, they will have the option to provide a counter offer, and you will decide whether or not you wish to accept the proposed referral fee.
When both parties have signed the referral agreement, you will direct your client to the listing agent, and if the sale/rental is completed, you will be entitled to the agreed upon fee.
Website Embedding
Propertyshelf specializes in building affordable personalized websites for real estate and travel clients. These Plone based websites, also known as content management systems allow you to market yourself as well as all Propertyshelf listings however you think is best. The content you provide on your website is entirely up to you (with a few basic exceptions). With your own website, you can build greater professional credibility and market listings to potential clients around the world. All our lead generator websites receive the same SEO benefits and technical support that our real estate client sites receive, enabling you to move through search engine rankings and compete for clients just like the larger players in the industry.
Already have a website? Real Estate agents in the U.S. have benefited greatly from the wave of expats that are retiring south of the border. Let us help take your real estate business international by allowing you to embed some of Latin America´s top commission paying properties directly into your agencies website.
Not comfortable working with just anyone? Propertyshelf is developing a professional networking site for the real estate industry which will allow agents and clients to write and review references on agents from around the world. By knowing more about the agents in a given area, you can decide who is best suited to provide your client with the best service. We believe will soon be the top portal for sending and receiving leads internationally.
For more information, contact us today